Saturday, July 4, 2009

NBI - 17: NEA Supports Republicans

A New Business Item (NBI) is an effort proposed by a delegate or delegates to the NEA. It generally directs action for the NEA to undertake in the coming year. We discuss-- as a group of 10,000 delegates-- over 100 NBI's each time we meet as a Representative Assembly.

New Business Item #17 calls for the NEA to "enhance its outreach efforts to the Association's one million Republican members with the goal of advancing a pro-public education agenda within the Republican Party."

It calls for an annual conference for NEA Republican leaders to provide leadership training and building grassroots organizing skills.

The Arizona caucus took a position of support on this NBI this morning during our state meeting, and our president, John Wright, spoke to the issue during debate.

"Bipartisanship is not an option in Arizona. It is a requirement," he said. "Progress for our [education] agenda or defense against our foes are not possible without strong, tested, and trusting relationships with Republican elected officials."

"If we say we are bipartisan we must be bipartisan," he concluded.

The NBI, even though it carries an estimated $130,000 price tag, passed.

1 comment:

  1. this is a mistake. recognizing one party over the exclusion of many other parties, despite their smaller numbers, is bad policy. adding this language to a permanent body is a regression. although, i do not support either republican or democrats (both conservative and liberal ideologies have it wrong).
