Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Heatwave- A Teacher's Eyewitness!

What a great day I had (with one exception!).

Today was the first of 5 AEA Heatwave Days! It was so incredible to walk into the DES Cafeteria and see at least 80 people there, giving up a day of their summer to show their commitment to public education. Doug and Jennifer were great and the AEA staff had tons of literature to fill us in on the issues.8 of us from my district, Kyrene, were there. We had a meeting with Rae Waters from District 20 at 11:30 and she was helpful. She filled us in on the "goings-on" of the Capitol and gave us some great tips.

KEA PAC had catered a lunch so we also attracted a few other Representatives including Education Supporters David Lujan and Eric Meyer. It was great to see friendly faces in our meeting!We did have one other attendee- John McComisch from District 20. John has not been a supporter of AEA or Education, or kids for that matter, in the last few years. He and I have gone a few rounds, but we promised (via email- I have proof! :) ) to be nice. When he arrived I introduced him around the table, including to my husband, Richard (who was wonderful enough to come and take pictures all day!). My husband, believe it or not, is registered Republican. (I know, gasp!) Sometimes our Republican leaders like to hear that AEA friends and members are of their party, it, as I introduced Richard to McComisch I said something like, "This is my husband, Richard. He's a republican and he's married to me!!". And here's the exception to my great day...McComisch said, and I quote, "Well, we all have our cross to bear". As in being married to me was Richard's cross! Yes, he really did say that, and yes, he said it in front of my members and Rae Waters. (As he left the room, after fighting with Rae!, my members said things like- That is the ultimate insult! I can't believe he said that!, etc.) I still have our truce in writing, John. Don't think I'll forget this. Is this who is leading our state!!??

Anyway, after lunch, we all met in the House Gallery and many of us were introduced. It was great to see some of the legislators turn their heads at the number of teachers, ESPs and AEA members upstairs. I think we were really recognized!

I know for many, this seems like a daunting task, meeting with Representatives and Senators, many of whom seem against us. But it is crucial we go down there! It is crucial that they see our faces, hear our voices... They need to know that just because we are on "vacation" (do you really count district classes, educational credits, and deep cleaning our houses once a year vacation?), we are not gone. And we are not going away. Because the minute we go away, so does our education funding! The minute they don't see our faces or hear our voices is the minute that cuts are made, agenda items snuck through and anti-education bills are passed! AEA is NOT the enemy! Teachers are NOT bad people! Let's go down and remind them of this!

One of the best things I heard today was something that Rep. Lujan told us over sandwiches. He said that all the negative things the majority legislature is throwing our way (taking away our constitutional rights, not letting us payroll dues, cutting our education budget) were coming to us because they, downtown, are scared. They are nervous and they are hearing us. We ARE being heard! So my friends, keep fighting the good fight. Keep calling, emailing, writing, talking, telling...they are hearing us. And one day soon, they will listen!

Erin Kirchoff


  1. Welcome Erin! Thanks for posting about your experience at the Heat Wave!

  2. Erin, it is great to read your passion for education and students. Good for you.
