KJZZ devoted an hour to
discussing education (de)-funding in the upcoming budget. Many experts gave their perspective, including House Education Committee Chair Rich Crandall (R-Mesa) who is ready to disappoint schools yet again.

Crandall's solution to the budget crisis? Keep state taxes low by passing the tax burden down to the local school governing boards. So, Crandall and other legislators can say "We didn't pass a tax increase" while forcing the schools to go to the voters to ask for more money.
The inherent problem with this plan is inequity. Voters in some districts will give the schools more money, while schools in other districts will lose.
The whole reason we fund education at the state level is to provide an equitable system. I would think someone like Rich Crandall, who is interested in being Superintendent of Public Instruction, would know that.
Someone needs to find a backbone.
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