Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tom Horne: I Told You So

From the AP:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court has ruled for Arizona officials who are challenging federal court supervision of a program to educate students who aren't proficient in English.

By a 5-4 vote, the court reversed an appeals court ruling in a 17-year-old lawsuit intended to close the gap between students in Nogales, Ariz., who are learning to speak English and native English speakers.

Justice Samuel Alito, in the majority opinion, said a federal judge in Arizona must take another look at the program to see whether Nogales now is "providing equal opportunities" to English language learners.


  1. UGH! This is a terrible ruling. So, years of studies on how to effectively teach ESL students are out the door in Arizona. Research and best practices are no longer the way we teach kids. How dissapointing.

  2. It might mean that. Certainly, it means another delay in a final decision on an already decade-long court case.

    The federal judge must look at what is being done now (in Nogales) for ELL students.
